Zebra Corp [ZEBR]

Goonswarm Federation [CONDI]

CEOAllawa PhantomTax rate0.15000000596046%
Alliance Goonswarm FederationHeadquarters

Alliance history

Zebra CorpGoonswarm Federation2015-08-04 00:042025-03-05 18:489 years, 7 months, 1 day, 18 hours and 44 minutes
Zebra CorpThe Bastion2014-06-10 02:132015-08-04 00:041 year, 1 month, 24 days, 21 hours and 51 minutes
Zebra CorpGentlemen's Agreement2012-10-09 12:092014-06-10 02:131 year, 8 months, 14 hours and 4 minutes
Zebra CorpCascade Imminent2012-06-11 20:412012-10-09 12:093 months, 27 days, 15 hours and 28 minutes
Zebra CorpEn Garde2012-03-01 18:432012-06-11 20:413 months, 10 days, 1 hour and 58 minutes
Zebra CorpBricK sQuAD.2011-06-15 03:142012-03-01 18:438 months, 15 days, 15 hours and 29 minutes
Zebra CorpControlled Chaos2011-06-03 01:332011-06-15 03:1412 days, 1 hour and 41 minutes
Zebra CorpUnited Front Alliance2010-02-26 21:212011-06-03 01:331 year, 3 months, 7 days, 4 hours and 12 minutes
Zebra CorpChain of Chaos2009-12-12 23:492010-02-26 21:212 months, 13 days, 21 hours and 32 minutes
Zebra CorpDark Stripes2009-10-31 08:572009-12-12 23:491 month, 11 days, 14 hours and 52 minutes
Zebra CorpCircle-Of-Two2009-02-21 02:362009-10-31 08:578 months, 10 days, 6 hours and 21 minutes
Zebra CorpChain of Chaos2008-02-06 10:232009-02-21 02:361 year, 14 days, 16 hours and 13 minutes
Zebra Corp: A group of active, mature players looking to have fun in the universe.

0.0 PvP Corp https://zkillboard.com/corporation/1167014990/

We fly together; We die together; We fap together.
We are always on the lookout for active members, no matter what your game style is. We pride ourselves on our community and as such; voice comms and joining in is a must.
We have many Corp only benefits like: Corp-wide SRP (along with Alliance SRP); Capital skill book programs; Moons; Industry and much more.

If you're interested in applying, join ZC Puband talk with us. Or hop over to our discord at

CEO: Allawa Phantom
Second in command:LordJason Douglas
Corp Diplomat:Nolan Annages
HR/Recruitment: Belshazar Cogengone



~ Updated at: 2025-03-05 18:48:09 ~

~ Next update in: 36 minutes ~

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